Booking process <% steep %> / 5

<% e %>

<% i %>

Select procedure

Select procedure

Choose date and time.

<% formData.seldate|date:shortDate %>, <% formData.selhour %>

Applicant details

El NIF no está autorizado
* Fill in the field correctly
* Fill in the field correctly
* Fill in the field correctly
* Must be a valid email
* Must be a number
* Fill in the field correctly

Confirm Appointment

<% (lcategories | getByField: 'id':formData.category_id).name %> - <% (lcalendars | getByField: 'id':formData.calendar_id).name %> [ <% (latypes | getByField: 'id':formData.atype_id).title %> ]
<% formData.seldate | date: 'mediumDate'%>
<% formData.selhour %>
<% formData.customerid %>
<% formData.customername %> <% formData.customersname %>
<% formData[f.fieldname] %>

Is this data correct?

Processing appointment...

Appointment completed

Successful appointment. !!! Write down the reservation code or print this page to make future updates on your reservation.

<% formData.reservId | uppercase | laststr: 6 %>
<% (lcategories | getByField: 'id':formData.category_id).name %> - <% (lcalendars | getByField: 'id':formData.calendar_id).name %>
<% (latypes | getByField: 'id':formData.atype_id).title %>
<% formData.seldate | date: 'mediumDate'%>
<% formData.selhour %>
<% formData.customerid %>
<% formData.customername %> <% formData.customersname %>
<% formData[f.fieldname] %>
On the day of the appointment, if you wish, you can carry this QR code and read it with the ticket dispenser to avoid physical contact with it.